From Thomas Eriksen
Introduktion til klinisk ræsonnering og bagvedliggende teorier. Understøtter evidensbaseret praksis og problemorienterede patientforløb.… -
This video on Paragraph Structure is part of a range of videos on Academic Writing produced by the Faculty of Humanities in August 2020. The target audience for the…
From Robin Engelhardt
Academic writing and argumentation is a difficult art to master. I will start explaining why by showing you some really bad examples of academic writing. I will also… -
From Robin Engelhardt
In this second part, I will take you on a small journey through the history of argumentation theory and try to explain how different understandings of the purpose of an… -
From Robin Engelhardt
In this final third part, I will discuss the large spectrum of audiences interested in science and the many formats and writing styles used for these audiences. I will… -
Hvorfor opstår ADHD og ADHD symptomer? Hvad har det med dopamin at gøre, og hvordan virker ADHD medicin i hjernen? Hvordan oplever en ung læge…
Hvad er Alkoholabstinenser og hvorfor opstår de? Hvad har det med GABA systemet at gøre og hvordan virker abstinensbehandling i hjernen? Hvordan er det som…
From Robin Engelhardt
A short overview of the basic tools and concepts, journalists use when they write science news stories for newspapers, magazines, and for the web. This first part covers… -
From Robin Engelhardt
In this second part I go through some other elements in the inverted pyramid and talk a bit about the importance of rewriting. -
From Ulla Blomhøj
Danmark er et af de mest digitaliserede lande i verden, men i følge en nylig rapport fra Digitaliseringsstyrelsen og KL (2021) tilhører 17-22 % af den… -
En informationsvideo om JUR's erfaringer med brugen af kursusportfolio til videndeling
From Svava Riesto
Seminar on Women in Architecture International Women’s Day 8 March 2021 The research project WOMEN IN DANISH ARCHITECTURE 1925-75 invites you to listen in when… -
This video on Cohesion and Coherence is part of a range of videos on Academic Writing produced by the Faculty of Humanities in August 2020. The target audience for the…
In this COPE seminar, Rico Kongsager from University College Copenhagen, Matthias Kokorsch from University Centre of the Westfjords, Iceland, Laurien de Korte from UiT-…