From Thomas Eriksen
Introduktion til klinisk ræsonnering og bagvedliggende teorier. Understøtter evidensbaseret praksis og problemorienterede patientforløb.… -
From Helen Sværke
This video on Paragraph Structure is part of a range of videos on Academic Writing produced by the Faculty of Humanities in August 2020. The target audience for the… -
From Robin Engelhardt
Academic writing and argumentation is a difficult art to master. I will start explaining why by showing you some really bad examples of academic writing. I will also… -
From Robin Engelhardt
In this second part, I will take you on a small journey through the history of argumentation theory and try to explain how different understandings of the purpose of an… -
From Robin Engelhardt
In this final third part, I will discuss the large spectrum of audiences interested in science and the many formats and writing styles used for these audiences. I will… -
Hvorfor opstår ADHD og ADHD symptomer? Hvad har det med dopamin at gøre, og hvordan virker ADHD medicin i hjernen? Hvordan oplever en ung læge…
Hvad er Alkoholabstinenser og hvorfor opstår de? Hvad har det med GABA systemet at gøre og hvordan virker abstinensbehandling i hjernen? Hvordan er det som…
From Robin Engelhardt
A short overview of the basic tools and concepts, journalists use when they write science news stories for newspapers, magazines, and for the web. This first part covers… -
From Robin Engelhardt
In this second part I go through some other elements in the inverted pyramid and talk a bit about the importance of rewriting. -
From Ulla Blomhøj
Danmark er et af de mest digitaliserede lande i verden, men i følge en nylig rapport fra Digitaliseringsstyrelsen og KL (2021) tilhører 17-22 % af den… -
En informationsvideo om JUR's erfaringer med brugen af kursusportfolio til videndeling
From Svava Riesto
Seminar on Women in Architecture International Women’s Day 8 March 2021 The research project WOMEN IN DANISH ARCHITECTURE 1925-75 invites you to listen in when… -
From Helen Sværke
This video on Cohesion and Coherence is part of a range of videos on Academic Writing produced by the Faculty of Humanities in August 2020. The target audience for the… -
In this COPE seminar, Rico Kongsager from University College Copenhagen, Matthias Kokorsch from University Centre of the Westfjords, Iceland, Laurien de Korte from UiT-…