Understanding oneself – Reflecting one’s positionality
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This video lecture will provide the global health innovator with an opportunity to look within oneself first before jumping into the problem arena. “Why am I trying to help others solve this problem?” is one important question that must be asked. The innovator must be clear about one’s motivation to innovate, be cognizant about positionality and privilege, and demonstrate humility throughout the solution design process. This sub-module will introduce different ways of problematizing an innovator’s involvement in global health, especially in relation to the growing demand to ‘decolonise’ the global health field.
This sub-module will provide the global health innovator with an opportunity to look within oneself first before jumping into the problem arena. “Why am I trying to help others solve this problem?” is one important question that must be asked. The innovator must be clear about one’s motivation to innovate, be cognizant about positionality and privilege, and demonstrate humility throughout the solution design process. This sub-module will introduce different ways of problematizing an innovator’s involvement in global health, especially in relation to the growing demand to ‘decolonise’ the global health field.
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
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