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This presentation provides an introduction to infectious diseases like tuberculosis, vector-borne diseases, puerperal sepsis, streptococcus septicemia, etc. and how these diseases have affected…
Previously infectious diseases previously caused the majority of ill-health and premature death globally, but in high- and middle-income countries during the century infectious diseases –…
Infectious diseases have a specific, ethiological cause, e.g. a microbe such as tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, most people exposed to TB does not develop the disease.…
Our planet is currently being challenged by dramatic changes to earth and human systems under the influence of climate change and variability. These include changes of population and environmental…
In this presentation the global burden of diseases – deaths as well as disabilities – jointly named DALYs – is presented and differences and similarities between lo-, middle-, and…
Despite a steady decline in recent years, malaria continues to be a major cause of ill health and poverty in large parts of the world. The purpose of this video lesson is to get the student to think…