Search for tag: "vulnerable groups"

An Introduction to Global Health - Diabetes (17:42)

The purpose of this lesson is to expand the student´s knowledge about diabetes. The world experience an epidemic of type 2 diabetes, especially in low and middle-income countries. Diabetes is…

From  Flemming Konradsen 1 likes 20 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - Climate Change and Health (18:01)

Our planet is currently being challenged by dramatic changes to earth and human systems under the influence of climate change and variability. These include changes of population and environmental…

From  Peter Furu 0 likes 208 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - Joint Risk Factors (14:49)

In this presentation the global burden of diseases – deaths as well as disabilities – jointly named DALYs – is presented and differences and similarities between lo-, middle-, and…

From  Ib Christian Bygbjerg 0 likes 13 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - Use of Pesticides - and the link to Self Harm in Sri Lanka (10:28)

Pesticide self-poisoning is among the leading cause of suicide worldwide. This presentation provides us with an insight to the risk factors for pesticide self-poisoning, the global burden,…

From 0 likes 12 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - Malaria - The Transition (14:36)

Despite a steady decline in recent years, malaria continues to be a major cause of ill health and poverty in large parts of the world. The purpose of this video lesson is to get the student to think…

From  Lars Hviid 0 likes 1 plays 0