Search for tag: "epidemiology"

Epi2 Introduction

Introduction to Epidemiology 2

From  Søren Saxmose Nielsen 0 likes 56 plays 0  

Examples on uncertainty in risk assessments

Examples on uncertainty in risk assessments

From  Søren Saxmose Nielsen 0 likes 47 plays 0  


climate change

From  Youn Hee Lim 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Epidemiology_vidoe3_bias confounding

bias confounding

From  Youn Hee Lim 0 likes 210 plays 0  


vidoe2_casecont_cohort studies

From  Youn Hee Lim 0 likes 209 plays 0  



From  Youn Hee Lim 0 likes 263 plays 0  

Crude Mantel-Haenzsel in R

Crude Mantel-Haenzsel analysis in R using Fisher test

From  Søren Saxmose Nielsen 0 likes 96 plays 0  

Mantel-Haenszel in Excel

Mantel-Haenszel analysis using Excel

From  Søren Saxmose Nielsen 0 likes 109 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - Global Burden of Diseases (19:44)

This presentation provides an overview of the major determinants and specific drivers of epidemiological transition and changes in disease burdens, including demographic factors, urbanisation, diet,…

From  Dan Wolf Meyrowitsch 0 likes 10 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - Diabetes (17:42)

The purpose of this lesson is to expand the student´s knowledge about diabetes. The world experience an epidemic of type 2 diabetes, especially in low and middle-income countries. Diabetes is…

From  Flemming Konradsen 1 likes 20 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - The Global Burden of Disease - The rise of Non-Communicable Diseases (15:05)

This presentation focuses on the rise of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and the findings related to NCDs globally. Furthermore, we’ll explore the concept of Disability-Adjusted Life Year…

From 0 likes 15 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - NCDs Explained (12:46)

This presentation provides an introduction to the term Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). We’ll explore what NCD’s are, and look at some of the epidemiology (the burden of disease) and…

From 0 likes 41 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - Global Burden of Diseases (19:44)

This presentation provides an overview of the major determinants and specific drivers of epidemiological transition and changes in disease burdens, including demographic factors, urbanisation, diet,…

From  Dan Wolf Meyrowitsch 0 likes 9 plays 0  

An Introduction to Global Health - Epidemiological and Demographic Transition (18:46)

This presentation provides an introduction to the principles of demographic and epidemiological transition with specific focus on how changes in life expectancy, socio-economic factors and life…

From  Dan Wolf Meyrowitsch 0 likes 363 plays 0  

The Objective in Epidemiology

eLecture on specification of the objective in epidemiological research

From  Søren Saxmose Nielsen 0 likes 49 plays 0  

Diabetes - The Essential Facts - Who has Diabetes ? (15:59)

In this presentation you will learn about the evolution of diabetes and how it affects the world population. Diabetes is probably recognized as one of the biggest global health challenges in the 21st…

From  Nicolai Jacob Wewer Albrechtsen 0 likes 28 plays 0