Search for tag: "medicine"

Where medicine meets migration control policy: The boundaries longitudinal study

This talk is by Josephine T. V. Greenbrook, University of GothenburgThis talk will present the underpinnings for an ongoing longitudinal study being conducted in Sweden. This interdisciplinary…

From  Morten Mechlenborg Nørulf 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Depression og selvmordsscreening - Psykiatri og excitable celler

Hvorfor opstår en depression, og hvordan hænger det sammen med mængden af serotonin i hjernen? Hvordan virker antidepressiv medicin i hjernen, og hvordan taler en læge med en…

From  Pernille Gundtoft Uhrenholt 2 likes 100 plays 0  

TMS - Psykiatri og excitable celler

Transkraniel magnetisk stimulation - en nyere behandlingsform til depression. En magnet, der kan reducere symptomerne på en depression? Hvad er det, hvordan virker det, og hvordan er det som…

From  Pernille Gundtoft Uhrenholt 2 likes 105 plays 0  

Psykose - Psykiatri og excitable celler

Hvorfor opstår en psykose, og hvad har det med dopamin at gøre? Hvordan virker antipsykotisk medicin i hjernen, og hvordan oplever en ung læge arbejdet med psykotiske…

From  Pernille Gundtoft Uhrenholt 2 likes 134 plays 0  

ADHD -Psykiatri og excitable celler

Hvorfor opstår ADHD og ADHD symptomer? Hvad har det med dopamin at gøre, og hvordan virker ADHD medicin i hjernen? Hvordan oplever en ung læge arbejdet med ADHD patienter?…

From  Pernille Gundtoft Uhrenholt 2 likes 115 plays 0  

Alkoholabstinenser - Psykiatri og Excitable celler

Hvad er Alkoholabstinenser og hvorfor opstår de? Hvad har det med GABA systemet at gøre og hvordan virker abstinensbehandling i hjernen? Hvordan er det som yngre læge at arbejde…

From  Pernille Gundtoft Uhrenholt 2 likes 71 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 5.1 Screening for rare and common diseases

Video 5.1 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective.Which aspects should be taken into account when screening individuals without knowledge of disease? What are the benefits…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 4.3 How to generate evidence from a legal and ethical perspective

Video 4.3 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective. What are, for example, the requirements in terms of consent and data protection? Heidi Bentzen explains how it can it be…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 6.2 Legal regulation across the Nordic countries

Video 6.2 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective. Heidi Bentzen introduces the legal framework relating to personalized medicine across the Nordic countries. About the…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 61 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 6.4.2 Why does industry invest in genetics and omics? Pfizer

Video 6.4.2 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective.Why does the pharmaceutical industry invest in genetics and omics? How has adding proteomics to genomics research…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 6.4.1 Why does industry invest in genetics and omics? deCODE genetics

Video 6.4.1 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective. Why does the industry invest in genetics and omics? Engilbert Sigurdsson interviews Kari Stefansson, founder and CEO of…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 5.2 How to communicate risk

Video 5.2 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective. What is risk? What are some key steps in communicating risk? Thor Aspelund explains how to best communicate risk. About…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 6.3 Ethical and social aspects of personalised medicine in research, clinic and society

Video 6.3 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective.Bjorn Hofmann discusses the ethical and social challenges relating to personalised medicine. About the course: The…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 3.1 What is a biomarker?

Video 3.1 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective. Saedis Saevarsdottir defines what a biomarker is. About the course: The technical revolution enables us to analyse large…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 4.5 Innovation: From research to clinical practice

Video 4.5 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective.How does the new patient data landscape contribute to the innovation pipeline from research to clinical practice? Sisse…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Personalised Medicine – 5.5 Media hype and horror

Video 5.5 from the course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective.Are the promises about a data-driven future medicine unrealistic? What are the hidden costs and dangers of revealing…

From  Sisse Rye Ostrowski 0 likes 26 plays 0